Roanoke Elementaryhas rounded up two new Roanoke Rangers! Each morning the principal meets them in the gym for announcements and when she asks them if they are ready for a great day they all yell back, YEE HAW!!!!Wesley is in kindergarten now and Miceala's in 2nd grade. They have transitioned (in school) better than I expected! Their school is decorated in a cowboy theme and they have very friendly, down to earth, teachers. Wesley's in a dual language program where half of his instruction each day is in Spanish! Micaela got an award for being one of the top writers in her class of 44 students. (They have 2 teachers).
I love this story. It's historical fiction and it's the perfect way to prepare for the holidays. This book gives you a glimpse into the thoughts that possibly went through Mary and Joseph's mind. They were definitley remarkable people. What an awesome responisbility it must have been to parent Jesus.
I'm glad the kids are doing well and I hope you are liking Dallas!
The kids looks so cute and happy to be going to school. That is neat that the principal meets with them every morning before school starts.
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